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Dr. Miroslav Koudelka
Ancestry Research, Tours, Translation


Research projects are performed in the order they are agreed on and according to the conditions at particular archives, usually within 3 - 6 months. Reports are provided in English, Czech or German. The main output are excerpts from birth, marriage and death registers.

Hourly Rates (in US Dollars):
Research, working out report - 25.00
Guiding, interpreting - 20.00 plus 2.00 per tour attendee
Office work - 10.00
Transit time to/from research or meeting place - 10.00

Travel Expenses:

Rate per kilometer (i.e. 0.6 mile) - .30 plus .05 per tour attendee

Examples of distances to particular places:

Vsetín = 80 km

Brno = 90 km

Prague = 270 km

Bratislava, Slovakia = 210 km

Vienna, Austria = 230 km

Munich, Germany = 590 km

Hotel accommodations per night (when needed) - 40.00 - 100.00

Translation per Typed Line:
Common text (e.g. correspondence) - .30
Special style or script - .50

Digital photographs per copy - 1.00
Copies of documents are made for private use only. Special permission from the archive would be needed for any kind of publication (hard or electronic copies). Individual archives can declare making copies impossible.

Ancillary expenses (parking, local phone/postage, etc) - 1.00 - 30.00



Using other currencies (EUR, CZK, CAD, AUD, GBP, etc.) is possible too. The sum will just be converted by the current exchange rate (see, for example,


Payments for services are expected when the work is done. They can be made various ways:

An easy way is PayPal. Our account address is hakana [at ] seznam [dot] cz

Another frequent way are personal checks. Other kinds of checks (cashier's checks, money orders) are accepted too.

A direct deposit to our account through your bank is possible, too. The needed data will be provided on request.

To make sure that we will get the charged sum indeed, clients are always expected to cover the transaction costs.

Don’t hesitate to ask us any question about our services and rates.


And feel free to share this information with anyone interested.


Mirek and Hana

Cellular phone: (420) 603-326-285
E-mail: mk [at] czechfamily [dot] com —or— mirekk [at] volny [dot] cz

Note on e-mail: We spend quite a few days on guiding or research trips. It may take some time before we get a chance to reply to your mails. Be assured, we will reply as soon as possible.